Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Perfect Holiday

Today was the end of a perfect holiday season. I have two married sons and a total of four grandchildren, each one as precious as the next. This weekend, we were all together.
The rush of Christmas, the hectic schedules, the mad wrapping and then tearing off of  paper on packages was past us. Everyone was full of good food and making resolutions to lose weight in the coming months. It was  time to relax and just enjoy being a family.
Yesterday we packed up two suvs with picnic food, towels, shovels and pails, and headed for the famous Siesta Beach off Sarasota, Florida. And  so  did everyone else in town. We searched in vain at several locations for a parking space, and finally went for Plan B. We found an open but deserted ball park with picnic  tables, playground equipment and clean rest rooms. We ate our food there under sunny skies, and watched the children play happily together. 
       We were so pleased with  ourselves, we decided to try again today.  Fully loaded with the same stuff, but new food, we headed for Ken Thompson Park near Mote Marine  on Longboat Key.We were lucky to find a spot to park, shaded picnic tables. and clean restrooms once again.
Our view of Sarasota from across the bay was spectacular.  We watched as children played in the gently lapping shallow water....little ones in diapers wading happily, mothers with pant legs rolled following at a safe distance.  Older boys with fishing poles optimistically hoping to make a big catch in ten inches of crystal clear water.   Sailboats, canoes, kayaks, water scooters and motor boats entertained us. So did   majestic osprey whose distinct cry caused us to look up and see him in full flight...a magnificent sight.

The ambiance in  Sarasota is so beneficent and it is totally free and accessible to all.  Seeing other families enjoying the same blessings as ours showed us that we were not the only ones counting their blessings.

Gifts and presents are fun to get. But the gift of this kind of day comes along all too seldom and we need to be aware of the fact that it is we who can make Christmas come all year, and we who can make these magic days happen.

Happy New Year, all you dear friends and readers.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Day, 2008

This has been a  wonderful pre-Christmas season.
Having three young grandsons around can make even the most stoic person believe in Santa and 
the real message of Joy found in this season.
My middle grandson decorated my tree for me, using a step stool, and every single trinket was on the three branches in the front! I smile every time I pass it, and marvel that it doesn't tip over.

When you come to think of it, he couldn't even see the ornaments if they were on the top or in the back, now could he?

I'm a fortunate person to have so many loving relatives to come and visit me, and they all come at this time of year. Therefore, this is my first post in six weeks!  Shame on me! I resolve to be more current in 2009.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!