Monday, March 2, 2009

Out the back window

I am so fortunate. First of all, I live in Florida, where most days one can have the windows open.
Secondly, I live on a little lake and have a glorious view out my window. Thirdly, when I am working on the computer, I can see water birds of all sorts in a constantly changing panorama.
Recently, I have been privileged to see a flock of white ibis in the large, droopy oak tree hanging over the lake in front of me. At times, there are as many as two dozen of these lovely birds in the tree at once. When I went out to take pictures, I spooked a large osprey and his flight in turn, set the ibis in motion. What a lovely sight, with their white wings soaring away in a ballet of
swirling and swooping, until they all came to light again in the tree or on the banks.

The osprey sits in a very tall pine tree, eating a large fish which he has caught in our lake. From time to tiime, he gets scared off and drops his fish. At this point, the ugly turkey buzzards come to spoil the beauty of my view. I am,however, respectful of these birds. They clean up the smelly
"road kill" of life and keep our environment clean. At a bird sanctuary, a nature lecturer showed me their wings and feathers from behind and they are really quite graceful birds, despite their ugly ald heads.