wow! the last post was in October of 2009!
what have I been doing? I guess I lost interest when it became obvious that writing a blog took time, thought, and an audience to spur me on. I ask myself , what have I been doing since October. I'd like to say that I have been writing the great American novel, or raising hybrid tomatoes, or feeding the sick and hungry, I haven't been doing any of that.
I have been enjoying life, which is what retirement promises, so I guess that is not so bad.
I have the great privilege of living in the same town as three little grandsons, so I spend lots of time watching then grow, create, fight, love me, and explore the world. For myself, I am struggling to learn to speak and understand the spanish language. Not easy for a 75 year old.
I have done very little writing , partly due to having lots of great visitors. One set of guests each month for the past four months has kept me hopping and entertained. That is me with my dear friend, Claire and her darling dog, Davida.
I think I need to start this up again, so I will give that some thought and we'll just see when my next post comes out !