Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chance Meeting with a Handsome Stranger

Sometime last spring, I made one of my regular visits to Plantation, Florida. I planned to meet a friend for breakfast. Sitting on a park bench, I struck up a conversation with a handsome man who was buying flowers for his wife. When he learned I was from Sarasota, he asked me if I had seen the controversial statue, "Unconditional Surrender". That led him to reveal to me that he was Carl Muscarello, the sailor kissing the nurse in the original photo on the cover of LIFE magazine , taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt and seen around the world. (Check him out on Wikipedia)

Carl told me his fascinating and truly believable story about the day and the events that transpired on VJ Day anniversary, August 14, 1995. At that time , he and Edith Shain, the nurse he grabbed and kissed, met in NY and recreated the event. The photo of Carl and Edith was taken from the story published by the Daily Mail of London. You may read the whole story at the following web address:

: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-474893/Mystery-sailor-famed-VJ-day-kiss-New-Yorks-Times-Square-identified.html#ixzz0QYFaxxGp

Carl sent me the autographed picture of himself, which I treasure and I showed it to friend.

Now, I must tell you what transpired after that. However, that is another story, for another BLOG

Keep tuned in.

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